Sadie was purchased in October 2002 as a 9 year old. Sadie was our second horse by the stallion, Tiny Guy. Corey and Sadie proved to be a winning team from the beginning. In April 2003 Corey and Sadie were featured in their first article and picture in BHN. Corey enjoyed success on Sadie until 2007 when Corey allowed Katie Brown to ride Sadie . Katie continued to have major wins on Sadie until we retired her in October 2010 due to injury.
2013: Dealem Easy Fame (Filly)
(Kickin Ta Fame/Dealem Tiny/Tiny Guy)
2012: Dealem Ta Fame (Filly)
(Dash Ta Fame/Dealem Tiny/Tiny Guy)
2012: Dealem Ta Rare Bar (Stallion)
(Rare Bar/Dealem Tiny/ Tiny Guy)
(Equi-Stat as of 1-1-10)
1997 Rocky Top Barrel Futurity 1st (1st Go)
2003 EBFA Futurity 1st 1-D Youth Race
2003 NBHA Teen World Championships 3rd 1-D (2nd go)
2003 NBHA Mid-South 1st 1-D (1st go) 4th 1-D Finals
2003 Fortune 5 Finals 1-D Youth Champion
2003 Barrel Mania Super Show High Money Winner
2004 TN NBHA 1st 1-D (1st Go) Open State Champion
2004 TN NBHA 1-D Reserve Youth State Champion
2004 NBHA Teen World Championships 4th 1-D (2nd Go)
2004 NBHA Speedfest 1-D Champion
2004 Fortune 5 Finals 1-D Youth Champion
2005 TN NBHA 1-D Reserve Open Champion
2005 TN NBHA 1-D Youth Champion
2007 IBRA East\West World Championships 1st 1-D Youth
2007 Josey World 7th in Finals
2007 Fortune 5 1-D Average Winner
2007 IBRA East National Finals Championship
1st 1-D Open(2 Go) & 1-D Youth National Champion
2007 NBHA Speedfest Reserve 1-D Average Champion
2007 Barrel Futurities of America Youth 1-D World Champion
*Took 2008 and most of 2009 off trying to get Sadie in foal*
2009 Barrel Futurities of America Youth 1-D World Champion
1st Open 1-D (2nd Go) & 1-D Youth Champion
2010 Fortune 5 1-D Average Winner
LTE: $91,329
Sire: Tiny Guy
Dam: Petes Deal
Dam's Sire: Wonder Otoe
Year of Birth: 1993
Gender: Mare
Breed: Quarter Horse
Color: Sorrel
Classification: Retired(Broodmare)
Dealem Tiny and Corey Breedlove
Running Fastest Time Of The Weekend At 2003 Barrel Mania
Dealem Tiny and Corey Breedlove Taking The Lead 2004 NBHA Youth World
Dealem Tiny and Katie Brown winning BFA Youth World Championship 2009